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Top Fiverr mistakes you shouldn’t do

Mistakes are bound to happen when you’re working on the Fiverr platform. Fiverr is one of the top-rated freelancing platforms and has a user-friendly interface. I have been working as a freelancer for seven years now. In this period, I made dozens of mistakes, which lead to de-rank of my gigs and compel buyer. I’m sharing mistakes that most of the freelancer do. If you’re new to freelancing and Fiverr itself, you shouldn’t make these mistakes.

Some of the mistakes cost me my profile, and I had to start from scratch again. Some mistakes de-ranked my gigs, and others make orders canceled by Fiverr support. One of the biggest mistakes that I made was that I didn’t learn the Fiverr algorithm.

You Should Learn Fiverr Algorithm

Thousand of sellers publish their gigs to draw the attention of buyers to their services. Sometimes their gig performs well and starts getting orders, and they do not make any changes to their gigs. Why would they make changes to gigs if they are getting orders? Fiverr algorithm starts considering these gigs as the dead gig. One day you’re getting several orders of the gig, and the next day you will struggle to get views on it. That’s because the Fiverr algorithm de-rank your gig, and you will find your gig on the last page of the Fiverr search. A lot of level-2 sellers are facing the same problem these days. They didn’t change gig image, gig title, and description for so long, and now they have been penalized by the algorithm. You should continuously make changes to the Fiverr gig, even if you add a little sentence to the description or add a new gig image. You might not realize this now but believe me; this is how its works.

Ask Buyer to communicate outside Fiverr.

If you ask the buyer to communicate outside or try to take them out of Fiverr, your profile will get banned instantaneously. Fiverr is very strict regarding their policy, and they won’t reinitiate your account ever again. 

Even the buyer asks you to communicate outside Fiverr, message him straightaway that it’s against Fiverr policy, and also report the buyer message for the sake of your profile. You won’t get a warning, and you will lose your account if you don’t do that. 

Purchasing Reviews for Gig

Reviews purchasing is prohibited. If you buy reviews for your gig and Fiverr came to know about it, you will be suspended. Many sellers purchase reviews for gigs to rank them quickly. It’s a fact that reviews help a lot in Fiverr career. If you want to kickstart your journey, you can take reviews and purchase them with a buyer profile with different IP locations. Also, make sure that you don’t exchange reviews for review. I would never suggest you buy reviews for your gig. All you can do, you can ask the buyer that you can do a test job for them, and if they’re satisfied, then they can hire you.

Asking Buyer for Feedback

If you’re satisfied with the work you delivered and want the client to leave feedback on your profile, DON’T ASK IT. Asking for feedback or review is against Fiverr Terms of services. You will receive a warning on your account, and in the worst case, your profile will get suspended. 

Gigs Favorite Exchange

There’re many groups on Facebook and other social media that provide a favorite gig exchange. You can post your gig link and ask the community member to favorite your gig, and In return, you favorite their gigs. One shouldn’t indulge in such activity Its brings no good to you. You can’t play with the Fiverr algorithm. Company masterminds and top brains in the world develop the algorithm for this platform. And they consider every possibility that the seller can do to get orders. They assign negative scores to all these activities. So, if you exchange gigs favorite, your gig will never rank high.

Multiple Fiverr Profile

One person can have a single Fiverr profile. If a person is experienced with more than one skill, then he/she should create different gigs on the same profile instead of creating another Fiverr profile for other skills. Fiverr will suspend both of the profiles, and you will lose all your hard work to rank the profiles.

Doing Assignments

Doing student assignments for them is unethical and not allowed on Fiverr. If you have a gig that’s created for such a service, then fiverr will disable the gig and give you a warning. Repeated violation of the TOS will disable your profile.

Rude Behaviour with Buyer

Fiverr consider buyers as a superior entity. You shouldn’t reply to them rudely, or else your profile will get banned. Even if the buyer is abusive, you can not still abuse them. All you can do is to report them to Fiverr. Though Fiverr takes no action against the buyer but that all you can do.

Rude Behaviour with Fiverr Support

Fiverr support takes ages to get back to you, and it’s one of the worst support ever exist. You can not show them anger or talk to them rudely otherwise;, they will suspend your profile straightaway. 

These are some of the mistakes out of thousand of others that you should not make on Fiverr. It’s a trend now a day, and freelancers are leaving Fiverr drastically. Fiverr was once considered to be the best platform for freelancing. Anyone who enters the freelancing world entered it through Fiverr. Though once they learn, they switch to Upwork or other better platforms. One of the biggest reasons why people are compelling away from Fiverr is because of their pathetic support. Buyer abuse sellers’ services. They request to cancel the order after getting work, and Fiverr support always takes the buyer’s side.

Shortly, you will see the fall of the biggest freelancing giant, Fiverr. They have already started to panic and making mistakes after mistakes. Upwork is getting the benefit of all the Fiverr mistakes. We hope Fiverr learns from its mistakes and becomes a seller-friendly platform again.

Read about 10 highest paying side hustle on fiverr.

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